Thursday, October 25, 2012

Smoke Stamp

For this project we had to create a brush by taking an online image and copying the brush and  changing sizing aspects.  I decided to pick smoke because it would shade really nicley and give a 3D effect when used.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


In this project i put the head of tom on jerrys body and colored it gray like tom and gave him a chunk of cheese it was fairly easy yet fun.  I used clone tool cropping and the paint bucket.

Friday, October 5, 2012


In this project instead of one project i made 3 and got progressivley better each day, i made donald trump into hey arnold, which was horrible but then i made will smith into a black alf.  The last and best one i think is the conehead people from a movie made out of angelina jolie i used alot of liquify and stamp on this project but was definatley one of the most fun to do.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Touch Up 1

This is our first touch up girl and instead of maknig her attractive i followed a halloween theme and made her look evil, by darkening her hair making her face orange and darkening her lips while keeping the whites in her eyes bright.  We used touch up tools darken tools and dodge, i also patched up her craters on the sides of her face.

Frog Tongue

For this project we had to take a picture of a frog and use stamp tools to make the frog look like her tongue.  We added shadows changed opacities and softened the edge to make the effect look more realistic, i also darkened the edges.  This was one of our first real projects and was pretty fun.